Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just Another Day at the Beach...

And what day it was!  Armed with the hat and rash guard from Aunt Mimi and some beloved beach toys, Foster took to the tide pools.  It was low tide just as we arrived, so the pools were nice and toasty.  Foster played the entire 2 hours in the water with his toys.  He giggled and splashed to his heart's content.  He is a born fish...which comes as no surprise to anyone who knows the background of my side of the family.  I was practically born on a pair of water skies!  And now with a dad in the Navy and a mom who was a former swimmer, Foster is genetically predisposed ti love the water!  I think you would all agree!  And I mean how cute is he?

Father's Day in the Country

Daniel used 4 days of his unused baby leave so we could make the trek to his hometown of Troy, North Carolina.  It seems rare that we get to use any leave to be alone.  We are always traveling to see some family member.  One of these days, I will put my foot down and we will use leave days to enjoy each other's company in our own home with our baby boy!

However, we did enjoy the time in Troy.  Foster wasn't super happy about the tail end of the trip, but what mobile, busy baby wants to be strapped in the car for 7 hours???  He was great overall, just ready to get out at the end of the trip!  But of course, so was I!  We spent the weekend  with Daniel's parents. Debbie even threw a Mary Kay party with many of her lady friends.  Such Fun!  If you haven't had your lady friends over in a while, you should and throw in a Mary Kay makeover to boot!  Saturday we helped Daniel's grandparents around the house; not that they will allow us to do much for them!  Daniel's sister, her boyfriend and their baby boy came for a while too.  His Aunts and Uncles also came by to visit us and of course spend time with the cutest baby who ever lived, Foster!  Daniel got to enjoy his Grandmother's cooking and baking and of course he ate his fair share of NC barbecue-YUCK!  We even had to take some home for the freezer.  Grant and Sabrina swung by with the kids as did Devon and the boys.  All in all it was a nice weekend the unpacking once we got home!  As always Welli and Chloe traveled like champs.  It is amazing how much stuff you need to travel with both baby and dogs!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Father's Day in the Bag...

OR should I say mug???
I am so far behind on this blog.  Things around here have been crazy since I started my own business with Mark Kay.  It is a good busy, but busy is busy.

For Father's day this year, Foster decided to pull out his "old" aviator's hat and have a photo shoot for dad.  We took the pics from the shoot and made Daniel/Dad a cute mug.  One he can take with him when he goes on deployment this fall.  It was so funny to compare the photos Bri had taken in October with the same hat  to the ones we took together as an 11 month old boy.  Wow he has changed so much!  I didn't know that any baby could get any cuter, but amazing he has!  See for yourself.  Here are some of the best!