Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Taking a Shower" at CIS

Although this may come as a surprise to many, I actually do not being in the spotlight for extended periods of time. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed playing the character parts in musicals. I got my 5 minutes of fame here and there, but never had to be the center of attention for any length of time. When I was engaged 6 years ago, many people at school wanted to throw me a "school shower." I just couldn't imagine sitting all alone up in a chair surrounded by 100 sets of eyes eagerly awaiting my next move or comment. As many of you know, I refused the shower and opted instead for a small gathering at a teammates house- much more my style...not to mention...more cake for me!

So, it was with gritted teeth that I accepted the opportunity to be honored at CIS this year. I was told that this was the way things were run. Unlike me, I went along with the charade and allowed my closest friends at school and dearest teammates, Heather and Missy to "Shower me!"

As suspected, I ended up at the front of a very large cafeteria, in a chair...alone...with several dozen pairs of eyes glaring at me, while I attempted to accept flattery of how great I looked (what a lie- as any pregnant woman knows, no matter what they say or how kind they think they are being- you only see one thing in the mirror- atl east I only see one thing in the mirror- FAT!), how lovely it was for me to be able to stay at home next year (I totally agree- although we will be shopping at the discount bread store), and of course listen to how excited everyone was for me.

Don't get me wrong...I am so grateful for all the people in my life. And for the generosity, kindness, and support I have received over the years. I am still amazed that even with my dry sense of humor and sarcastic sensibility, that anyone really ever gets me! Those who do...you are probably the only people who actually read my blog!

With that being said, thank you so much to the entire 4th grade at CIS who took the time and made the effort to help make Foster's arrival in the world easier on the both of us! A special thank you to Missy and Heather- the colors were perfect, the diaper cake precious and the Publix cake...delicious! I love you guys and can't wait for it to be my turn to shower you ( In front of a very large group of people!)

PS- I will post pictures just as soon as my good friends who threw the shower send them to me!

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