Monday, March 26, 2012

Warning...Foster is on the move!

Well...the days of laying Foster on the ground and doing dishes or running into the other room to get something are over!  He is officially on the move. 

For the last few weeks, he has been up on his hands and knees and "rocking" back and forth.  He occasional would move backwards a foot or two, but then get frustrated when he was headed backward instead of forward.  I believe that attending Alexa Kennedy's birthday party at the bowling alley on Saturday and seeing all the big kids so mobile and having such fun, truly inspired our little guy to spread his wings and take off!  We literally came home and put him on the floor to have a few minutes of playtime prior to naptime.  Welli's bone, which is an actual femur bone from a cow, was on the floor (gross!).  Apparently it has true magnetism because Foster spotted it and crawled to it without any hesitation.  As if he had always been crawling.   Daniel and I both looked at each other as if to say, "Is this really happening?  Our little man is crawling?"

Since Saturday, he has been crawling even further and has started truly pulling up on furniture.  He is also very close to getting from his stomach to a sitting position!  We are clearly proud parents, but I was not eager for the stationary to become to mover!  Oh well, maybe this transition will help me lose those darn 10 lbs!

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