Monday, July 16, 2012

A Special Thank You!

In the excitement of sharing Foster' special day online, I failed to say some deserved Thank Yous to those family members and friends who helped us prepare for the big day.  I would like to send a special Thank You to Nana and Papa (Debbie and Frank) for helping us prepare for the day.  Nana and I took Foster shopping for the yummy treats we had at the party and babysat while I ran some much needed errands in preparation.  Papa drove ten hours down to south Florida and back with Daniel to pick up Foster's big boy bed that I found on EBAY!  Love, love, love EBAY!  Of course we will not move him into the bed until next summer, but with Daniel deploying this fall and finding the exact bed we wanted for such a steal...we couldn't resist being prepared!  We truly appreciate your efforts and support!  Another Thank You goes out to Aunt Meme (Jaime) for all her help during the party and after.  It was so nice having an extra, unoccupied set of hands!  OF course she didn't mind the snuggles she got along the way!  Our neighbors loaned us numerous items that were of such use and we appreciate their generosity as well!  Missy Fancher helped me create all the signs and cute cut outs by allowing me to borrow her Cricut and her opinion on color choice and pattern!  I am sure there are others I have left off this list, but please know that we feel so lucky to have the family and friends that we do and each one of you who has had a role in Foster's life to this point is helping shape him into the incredible little man he is! 

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