Wednesday, February 15, 2012

7th Month Itch

I can't believe our munchkin is 7 months old today.  He is truly such a little man.  He is able to sit independently for extended periods of time and spends at least 45 min to an hour playing independently each morning.  He loves to watch both Welli and Chloe chase and retrieve their toys and sometimes we find him laughing hysterically at them.  His sides, neck, and armpits are very ticklish, and after Tubby Time each night his dad has him grinning ear to ear and giggling uncontrollably with a little beard rubbing and "munching" down his little belly...well it isn't so little any more. 

We find him to be a very solid boy.  Not too much chunk on him...just solid like his mama!  Looks like we may have that quarterback afterall! Those cheeks are just so darn kissable and his dimple could "cure cancer" as his Aunt Meme likes to say.  He is not yet crawling, but loves to stand up while holding onto things and can do so for quite a long time.  This kid may walk before he crawls.  He has a very laid back personality like his dad, but gets excited about the important things in life, his food!  He is a great eater.  He drinks between 24-30 oz. of formula a day and eats between 5-7 containers of baby food and cereal!  He has just about mastered the sippy cup that has a training straw- best invention ever!

HE naps 3 times a day.  9-11, 1-3, and just a little catnap in the afternoon from 5-5:30.  All I have to say is that even though I have had some real struggles with his schedule, I don't know what I would be doing without babywise.  He sleeps 10-12 hours at night with a solid 8 pm bedtime, which gives his parents some much needed time together.  Of course we have days in which napping is difficult- still no teeth, but teething like a madman!  But all in all, I feel in control and very good about the choices we have made in rearing our little guy.  For all those moms who have children 7 months old who continue to get up with their baby in the middle of the night 1,2 even 3 times...I'm not so crazy afterall, am I?  And let me tell you...there are plenty of moms who are still doing that.  I hear just what the authors of Babywise said I would hear all the time. "You are so lucky to have such an easy baby, such a good sleeper!"  What is not realized by these people who say these things to me...I worked my tail off for this "easy baby." No baby is born this way.  And you know what?  Mine certainly wasn't.  HE was NEVER a sleeper and even from the start I had to force the nap!  However, a few months of letting him CIO (cry it out) is hard, but wow, what a result.  I have a happy, well-rested, playful, sweet, rarely fussy baby! are a dream and we love you.  Happy 7 month Birthday!


  1. What an amazing difference in his size compared to Andy! He is adorable. Happy 7 months, see you in March.

    1. I is so fun to look through pictures as he grows. He is like a weed, but a really cute one!
