Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You know what they say: A Big Head means...Big Brains!

Well, today Foster is officially 4 months old.  Everything went very well at his checkup with Dr. West.  Finding the right doctor is sort of like finding a spouse.  One sarcastic phrase from their mouth and you are hooked for life.  I love the laid back, nonchalant attitude Dr. Bruce West has.  For example, After hearing that I had Foster on a pretty strict parent-lead schedule, this was his response and I quote,"Shouldn't all parents have their children, even their babies, on a schedule?  Doesn't the world run on schedules?  Shouldn't they be taught early that life doesn't revolve around their personal wants and needs and instead that life is something in which they participate in, getting their needs met and working for their wants?  These parents who don't believe in scheduling their babies/kids create these nightmares that the rest of us have to deal with later!"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shout Out!

This is just a quick shout out to my good friends who look out for me and allow me to copy their fantastic, money saving ideas, and who took it upon themselves to stock my drawers with...cloth diapers!  I was without the use of them for the 2 weeks while I was away, and I was thrilled to get home and get back to the routine.  It is so nice only using one disposable diaper a day (YMCA nursery will not change cloth diapers)!

So a great big THANK YOU to Robin and Sondra- you rock!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Trip to the "Stairway to Heaven"

Once again Foster, Welli, Chloe, and I set out on a road trip. With the car stuffed to the gills, whining dogs, and a crabby baby we hit the road last week with a final destination of mom and dad's cabin in Mineral Bluff, Ga appropriately named Stairway to Heaven.  We stopped over for a night in the homeland (mom and dad's home in Lawrenceville) and headed north the next day with mom in toe.  Jaime has already settled in by the time we arrived and Dad joined us Saturday afternoon with the greyhounds.  A three-story mountain house seems roomy until you cram it with 4 adults, 4 dogs, one baby, and a partridge in a pear tree.  It actually was very cozy and fun. 

We managed to celebrate Foster's very first Halloween in downtown Blue Ridge with a great crop of Redneck locals.  Funny...it was hard to tell if some of the adults were in costume or just in their regular, everyday clothing.  We trudged up and down main street as the store vendors opened their hearts and handed out candy to all those who held a basket, bag, tote, wagon, wheelbarrow or whatever could hold massive amounts of candy.  It is unimaginable the number of people who are willing to wait in Six Flags summer lines just to get some crappy candy.  Jaime and I decided immediately that we would be stopping at Ingles and purchasing name brand delicious candy for Foster before crawling along behind massive amounts of candy hoarders for hours on end to fill up a bag with free candy!

Best costumes we saw were a group of four who had dressed up like characters from the Wizard of Oz.  Amazing! The flying monkey toyed with all the dogs, causing all octaves of vocal music!

Of course we visited the famous Mercier's orchard purchasing apples, and fried pies for the road.  Jaime and I enjoyed the very lowfat, low calorie apple-bread, french toast and Chamber sausage!  Delicious.  My hips are still upset with me for that!  We also shopped around downtown Blue Ridge and supported the local vendors at Majestic Child and of course, Fezziwig's. 

All in all it was a relaxing, enjoyable visit.  We even got along the entire time with only a few minor disagreements!  Unheard of!  Can't wait to go back, as the only fall color this Floridian gets to see these days is 8 hours away in the mountains.

I will, however, be holding off on anymore road trips as this new mama has had her fill of preparations, packing, unpacking, and  traveling alone for some time to come.  The only event left is Thanksgiving at Jaime's in Savannah- which I can make a day trip.  One in which the dogs will stay at home and have their buddy, Miss Betty, give them some much needed attention before and after their family meal.

Here's hoping that the missing member of our family makes it home safely and soon, and to all who read this, enjoy the fall!